Zero: The Shape of Nothing

- Simulation researchers and Sub behavioral theorists have pondered, while Sub Culture writers have joked, but no one in the study of Simulations has been able to determine exactly why scientists and astrophysicists — some of SIM-3625-MeO.5 most intelligent Subs — collectively agreed that the use of such an infantile term was the appropriate title for the beginning of their World. Although, based on current understandings of SIM-3625-MeO.5, the reason is likely perverted in nature.
But, as is true with every Simulation, the Subs create stories to give meaning to how their 'World' came to be.

- An Astronomer is Sub who studies the universe surrounding their program which is of course a projection created by Simulation programmers.
- Earth is the name Subs have given their world. Much like everything in SIM-3625-MeO.5, even the shape of their planet is up for debate with some contrarians or Subs exhibiting cognitive disturbances claiming their world to be round!
- The Sky is the name Subs have given the limits of their observable Simulation.
- The naming of the Sexagesimal System, much like most of this Simulation, demonstrates a weakness in a Subs potential for brilliance in exchange for the dopamine-fueled needs spurred by their unfortunate obsession with sexual intercourse.
- Despite Zero being intended purely for function, the cultural world debated the existence of Zero as a theological afront and blind spot of philosophy.
What this Simulation calls the Mandelbrot Set is in fact the source of their single most studied question: “Why are we here?”
- To this day, the researchers that have studied SIM-3625-MeO.5, and those particularly assigned to the archiving of the development of mathematics, consider the study maddening. One of the most well-known Simulation scholars, 99XCOVV (Pervy Pat), famously called the mathematics of SIM-3625-MeO.5 “an example of scholarly masturbation,” a particularly potent critique considering the Simulation’s well-documented sexual perversions.
- The Standby Setting is a metaphysical trip programmed into every Simulation. The Standby Setting is triggered when Subs ingest a usually innocuous organic form, which in the case of SIM-3625-MeO.5, is called DMT. The Standby Setting is an opportunity for Subs to recognize the existence of Mirare and their role in the Simulation. Some Subs have even successfully crossed into a protected dimension of Mirare where they are eliminated upon arrival.

- Birth and Death presents some of the more controversial aspects of Simulation study. Some Sub Rights activists have suggested watching the Subs battle with their sense of meaning in the name of educational research and entertainment is an ethical violation. But as is confirmed by Klohn Electronics, the Simulations and Subs that exist within them, are no more than code and certainly not sentient. Although it is understandable that some Mirare Beings who are weak-minded may sympathize with the Subs, the compassion is wasted on a coded algorithm that is playing out a reality based on presets.

- Yet another example of the Subs of SIM-3625-MeO.5, making something out of nothing.
- Cryptocurrency is a pseudo-digital form of currency that is used by Subs who also appear to assign a great deal of value to their personhood. These individuals are known as ‘Bros’. This appears to be a kind of sexual term to describe the way in which these Subs have developed the same engorged sensation when discussing their ‘Bits’ as is generated within their genitals. Researchers suggest this evolution has likely occurred due to a reduction in sexual interest for this Sub Species from other Subs.
But for the Subs of SIM-3625-MeO.5, what else can they believe but that nothingness would shape everything.